Saturday, July 16, 2011

Relay for Life

I have a number of things going on in-world, all of them pretty inconsequential compared to what I'm doing right now.  I'm standing outside the New Babbage RFL build tonight, where our team constructed a factory to manufacture hope.  It's brilliant.  All I can do at this point is stand outside with other citizens of New Babbage, and wave my flag.  I'm supporting the city, I'm supporting the cause.  I dedicated a luminary in the name of my aunt, who passed away of breast cancer a number of years ago.

The media stream is too sobering for me to listen to.  It consists of a very sad song, and a man reading off dedications to loved ones who passed away from cancer.  I listened to it as I walked through the build, and I almost had to TP out.  I was choked up.  The Merrimen, little clockwork men running the factory, that were created by a New Babbager who passed away last year, were almost too much to bear in their poignancy.

So.  This is where I am tonight.  Standing reverently with my fellow Babbagers.

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