Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Kraken Time

August through October, or thereabouts as I understand it is when the air kraken migration passes through New Babbage.  I know that folks on the Aethernet observe March 17th as Air Kraken Day, but, well, Babbagers like to do things a bit differently.

A kraken was spotted outside the city wall in Clockhaven the other night.  When the alarm was sounded and residents were advised to stay indoors, the way that New Babbagers interpreted that was:  "There's an air kraken!  Hurry, before it's gone!" 

I stood on a dock with Scottie Melnik watching for it, and was able to get a few good snapshots.  This is one of my favorites.  You can't see much detail of the kraken (enlarged to show more), but I like that it has the wall and the waves in it.

As New Babbage gears up for the Air Kraken Festival running from August 21 - 27 this month, I decided to find a suitable pirate hat for the ball at the end.  The one I ended up buying is the most ridiculous hat I think I've ever seen.  It is called the Bad Taste Hat, and I knew it had to be mine.

One last item on my kraken goodness list.  I've been working on a submission for a writing contest associated with the festival.  It didn't start out as a project for the contest, it's an idea that occured to me the night of the kraken sighting.  It is profoundly silly, and I can't wait to get it finished up.  Will post more about it when the time comes!

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