Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Radio Shows, Burlesque, and Motorbikes

When I went inworld tonight, I had nothing to do.  It wasn't long, however, before I found a remedy. Then I had things to do all evening.

First, Radio Riel Theater at the Clarendon Conservatory in New Babbage.  Besides Edward Pearse, I was the only one to show up in person, but it was a fantastic show.  We listened to a couple episodes of Red Panda Adventures, and now I'm hooked.  I really want to listen to more now.

Afterward I bumped into Ms. Bianca Namori, Mr. Victor1st Mornington, and Ms. Gabrielle Antara as I walked through the Gut.  They were obviously up to no good, so I had to join them immediately.  We chatted for awhile, Vic left, and at some point we noticed an intrepid group of explorers wandering through the sim.  Quite suddenly we were all under attack and the voyagers were taking cover near us. 

Apparently an unseen assailant started lobbing bombs (of all things) at them, and then at us, and panic ensued.  I have to admit that I pulled out my pistol and gave the bugger a fistful of whatfor.  Or at least, ther person who I assumed was the bugger....there is a remote possibility that I opened fire on the wrong person. 

See why I'm against guns in RL?

Anyway, that was an exciting diversion, but eventually the explorers flew off in their airship, the bomber apparently lost interest and we were left to our chat.  Ms. Bianca dances at a burlesque club in Seraph City and had to leave for a show, so I tagged along.  I've never been to a burlesque show. It was.....enlightening!  Really great fun.

While I was there watching the last dancer, Ms. Jedburgh30 Dagger (another New Babbager) came in for the last part of the show.  We visited for awhile and she gave me a ride on her motorcycle to see the garage she owns in Seraph City.  The whole dieselpunk concept is quite new to me, but the builds in Seraph City are just beautiful.  From talking with Jed I think it's another case of me having loved dieselpunk all along and just not realizing there was a name for it, very much the way I developed an interest in steampunk.  "Oh, that's what they call that? Okay..."

In any case, it was a lively evening.

Monday, July 25, 2011

New friends!

I was in and out of world a number of times yesterday.  Attempting to focus on a short story that occurs in New Babbage, I kept finding myself needing to go check out something or other in the city in order to maintain continuity.  This, of course, would lead to distractions and I ended up spending more time in the city than working on my story.  *sheepish*

On one such interval in the city, Master Nathaniel Lorefield introduced himself.  He was working on a house in the Academy square as I walked by.  I was headed into the Academy of Industry building and somehow managed to walk right past the house without really registering that it was something new.  We chatted for awhile about his build, and he asked if I'd yet seen the sewers.  Thinking I had, since I'd seen the area beneath city hall I said yes, but didn't know about an empty space beneath the square.  We went down to check it out and then spent some time walking through the tunnels.

I was amazed at just how extensive the system is.  When we reached water too deep to wade, since I can't swim (yet), he rezzed a raft and rowed us through.  We traveled like this all the way up to the Palisades train station, and I must say - for someone who is familiar with the sewer system, it was much quicker than walking.

At some point in the evening I parked myself in my house while working on my story, and was surprised by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Melnik - Scotty and Sky.  They came to the house for the express purpose of paying a visit, which I found immensely kind.  We lounged comfortably in the sitting room for a good long time, drinking tea and plotting world domination.

Okay, so maybe not the world domination part, but I felt that we got along famously. They're fun people, and I look forward to seeing them in-world more often.

I've been spending more time in Caledon Kittiwickshire.  Matthieu and I ended up sitting in the cottage there for awhile last night, but earlier in the day I went alone.  I feel that this snapshot captures almost entirely my reasons for wanting the property:

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sheik and Sari Ball

Tonight Ms. Bianca Namori held a Sheik and Sari ball in honor of her former home, Cala Mondrago.  I never had the good fortune to visit the sim when it was online, but I understand it had a desert steampunk theme.  I wish I had been able to see it!

The event was held in the sky over Caledon Kittiwickshire, strangely enough, so I knew I had to attend! (Also, I had just purchased a sari to wear to a different upcoming event, so I was happy to have a reason to wear it already.)

Me, trying out my belly dancing skillz:

Back in New Babbage, I didn't have much going on, so when Mr. Manamiko asked what I was up to, I was eager to go exploring again.  We started elsewhere on the grid taking a drive in his car, but sims started going down left and right in a griefing attack, so we made our way back to the (relative) safety of NB.  Neither of us had checked out the The Palaeozoic Museum and Library, so we spent some time seeing what there was to see there.  I was much more impressed than I thought I would be!

The museum library:

At some point we decided to see the Melnik Sky Tower (I believe that's what it's called).  We had some difficulty with the elevator initially, but after that it was only our attempts to increase our draw distance that resulted in problems.  I think Matthieu was able to get a snapshot of my house all the way over in Academy, but I crashed before I could even make an attempt.

The moon over the airship dock:

I just have to say that I'm having an incredible time being back in-world.  The level of creativity and ingenuity demonstrated by the builds never ceases to amaze me, both inside of New Babbage and elsewhere, and I really value the friendships I've made (and renewed).  And I'm starting my own New Babbage story on the Reader!  *happy bounce*

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Operation: Kittiwickshire Redecoration

I've been sorely neglecting my property in Kittiwickshire.  I've been having so much fun (perhaps too much fun if one were to have observed chat on the steampunk group last night...gah) getting to know people in New Babbage that I've just not been going back to Caledon very often. 

When I last left the cottage I had set out some of my very old high-prim furnishings, and had been frustrated with how archaic they looked and how far they set me back on my prim count. So last night I spent some time there putting out some new furnishings and warming the place up a bit.

The sitting area:

Desk and dining table (I put a picture on the wall after taking this snapshot...this area needs something more, perhaps a couple of additional rugs):

I put a dock and some Adirondack chairs in the back, but it needs some plantlife:

In contrast, here is what I had in the cottage before:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Visit from Mr. Manamiko

Last night began a bit inauspiciously.  When I arrived in-world, I was in my bedroom wearing a ballgown, with bare feet.  I had been trying on clothes last time I was there in an attempt to decide what to wear for a portrait.  I noticed a green dot on my minimap very close to where I was, a name I didn't recognize.  I cammed around outside of the house and didn't see anyone, and then I realized:  the green dot was inside of the house.

I walked out into my study and was shocked to see a man I didn't know standing there. He wasn't a Babbager. I could tell by his attire, all the way down to his flip-flops and blinging sunglasses.  Fortunately, he was asleep, so I decided to have a little bit of fun:

Eventually he must have timed out, because he disappeared after about 10 minutes.  I have to admit, it did feel like an invasion of privacy.  This seems really strange to me since SL and privacy seem mutually exclusive. Having any expectation of privacy is probably misguided in-world, and yet this was my emotional response to finding a stranger in my house.

I put it out of my mind for the time being, changed into some work clothes and decided to go take a look at Bay City. I wanted to get out of New Babbage for just a little while and see something new.  My friend Mr. Matthieu Manamiko first told me about the Bay City sims a about month ago, so I did some reading and decided to check it out.  There are a lot of Bay City sims, and I had no idea where to start. I picked one more or less at random and ended up in Bay City Oldtown.  My first impression was this:  a decently built city environment with lovely houses surrounded by ban lines.  Disappointing.  I went into a couple of shops, but they didn't carry anything I found particularly interesting.

Coincidentally, while I was wandering, Matthieu sent me an IM to find out what I was up to. He had no idea I was in Bay City, and I hadn't spoken to him for about a week, so it was interesting timing.  We chatted a bit and agreed to meet for tea at my house in Academy.

I gave him a tour of the house, we drank some wine instead of tea, and he advised me to put locks on my doors. Even though it can't stop someone who really wants to get in, it at least deters casual wanderers.  The thing is that I don't mind people checking out the house while I'm not there, but since it's disconcerting to find someone unfamiliar there with me, I've decided to look into lock scripts.

Eventually we got tired of sitting around and decided to go to Clockhaven to see the aquarium.  A couple nights ago I had spent a good deal of time there watching the parrot, so I was excited to show him. 

(The parrot and me a few nights ago.  I think we have a connection.)

We walked there from Academy, got sidetracked by a secret passageway under Clockhaven, and then admired the aquarium build by Mr. Amadaeus Hammerer.  It really is a fantastic place to visit! My favorite swimming things are the jellies, his are the seahorses, so we decided to take a snapshot there.  I hope his snapshot turned out better than mine...I happened to take it just as I realized how much taller he is than me!

Since the beach isn't far from the aquarium and he hadn't seen the steam turtles, we wandered over. 

The sun went down on a lovely evening.  I was glad to spend it with a friend.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Relay for Life

I have a number of things going on in-world, all of them pretty inconsequential compared to what I'm doing right now.  I'm standing outside the New Babbage RFL build tonight, where our team constructed a factory to manufacture hope.  It's brilliant.  All I can do at this point is stand outside with other citizens of New Babbage, and wave my flag.  I'm supporting the city, I'm supporting the cause.  I dedicated a luminary in the name of my aunt, who passed away of breast cancer a number of years ago.

The media stream is too sobering for me to listen to.  It consists of a very sad song, and a man reading off dedications to loved ones who passed away from cancer.  I listened to it as I walked through the build, and I almost had to TP out.  I was choked up.  The Merrimen, little clockwork men running the factory, that were created by a New Babbager who passed away last year, were almost too much to bear in their poignancy.

So.  This is where I am tonight.  Standing reverently with my fellow Babbagers.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Babbage goings on

Because I've not seen the SL "steamlands" outside of New Babbage and Caledon, I've decided to take some walking tours.  I posted on the City of New Babbage Reader about my upcoming excursions, which I decided to call "whistle-stop tours," and extended an open invitation to anyone who'd like to join me.  I got a great response, and am planning to go on my first walk tonight. Since New Toulouse is based on turn-of-the-century New Orleans French Quarter, and since today is Bastille Day, I thought it would be a good place to start.

On the thread about touring New Toulouse, Edward Pearse mentioned that I should watch out for zombies, since they are known to haunt some areas of the city. I joked that I would bring some sort of repellent, something with two barrels, which led to further discussion about how it's mandatory for redheads in New Babbage to be armed.

I don't have much experience with roleplay, but the stories being told in New Babbage are fantastic, and I have been wanting to get involved. It's a minor thing, but I decided to start by buying a gun.

In RL I'm very against firearms, but in New Babbage RP, it's great fun. I think I look rather badass, if I do say so. I was aiming (heh) for a "Dirty Harry" kind of picture.

Last night I saw an opportunity to squeeze into the periphery of an ongoing RP; it was in a rather unpleasant way, but hopefully I provided a bit of comedic relief on the thread.  I've found that I am much more comfortable with self-deprecating humor than with serious drama, and so I feel it was a good way to bring my into the story.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Put a fork in me. I'm done.

Ruthorford House is complete.  Fini.  Built and furnished.  Following is a virtual tour.  Please excuse me while I go to sleep...

From the front walk:




Sitting room:

Sitting room:




Saturday, July 9, 2011

Breakfast in Babbage 2nd Anniversary

Only one thing to say about Breakfast in Babbage:  Brilliant!

I walked home in my nightgown, and managed to find my way fairly quickly.  Upon my arrival at the Academy sandbox, I saw that it was populated by a herd of roaming daleks.  As if the usual lag wasn't enough...but I have to admit that it was kinda fun to stumble across a sight like this.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bad in Babbage

For better or worse, I wore the fez and danced with abandon:

My only complaint about the villains' ball is that it was too short!   But Ms. Bianca Namori was, I think, out of all the events I've attended so far, the DJ who played the most songs I love.  Including the version of "Roxanne" from Moulin Rouge

*happy sigh*

As I write this, I still have strains of the song wafting through my head.

Pleasant dreams, villains...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

First night in the new house

There is a lovely tree in the park next door.  It sits right outside of my windows.

This is what the tree looks like from the inside

Yay, alpha flash!  Obviously I will need to find another window solution.  I'm thinking that permanently drawn curtains might be in order for the second floor, which seems like a decent idea regardless.

The house is really coming together.  I'm almost done with the interior wallpapering, flooring and ceiling tiles, and I've even started putting out some decor.   I have a fireplace on each floor, a few rugs, and a new bed.  Oh, so comfy after a day of work...

Tomorrow is the "Bad in Babbage" villains' ball!  An invitation has been extended to everyone in the city, villains and non-villains alike, so I'm planning to attend. I do not yet know what I'll wear though.  I wanted desperately to wear a fez, but hats and I do not get along. 

I do have an outfit figured out for Saturday's "Breakfast in Babbage" though!  (And it includes not brushing my hair in the morning...)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My first visitor!

While I was hanging wallpaper in Ruthorford House last night, Mr. Edward Pearse stopped by to say hello and see my build. He took a gander at the exterior, and I invited him in to see how the interior is coming along. 

I was glad I'd gotten most of the floor and walls done on the main level because I think it would have been too humiliating to show anyone otherwise.  There are still a few architectural elements I'd like to add inside, but I couldn't stand being in there without improving the aesthetic just a bit.

Mr. Pearse and I chatted amiably for a bit, discussing various builds in the city. As he attempted to describe where Watson and Holmes are located he asked if I was up for a tour. So for the next couple of hours he led me on a whirlwind excursion through the city, pointing out sites of interest, secret passageways (almost all of which lead to the sewers), and prominent builds.  We spent that much time walking and still didn't hit Vernian Deep, Wheatstone, or New Babbage, where I'd already spent a good deal of time.  There really is that much to see!

Mr. Pearse was a superb guide, and he kindly introduced me to a few folks as we encountered them during our walk.  It was a welcome diversion and a much-needed break from building. I was in the mood for company, so it all worked out well. :-)

I'm beginning to feel quite at home!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ruthorford House - Final

I realized today that the memorial in the park has Ruthorford spelled with an "o" instead of an "e," so I've corrected the name of my house.  I also enlarged it after seeing how small it looked on the Academy lot.  So here it is!  The exterior is final unless there is some problem that prevents it from fitting in with the theme.

Now to the interior!

The Rutherford House

I finished my house.  For better or worse, I just put it down on my parcel in Academy of Industry in New Babbage.  I decided to call it The Rutherford House after the memorial in the park next door, dedicated to Father Daniel Rutherford, hero of the Great Fire.

The exteriors are done for now, but the interiors are still a mess.  Still, I thought that it was good enough to plonk down in the meantime.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

House in progress...

Still lots of plywood, but I got the structure done tonight, and found a texture set I like until I can make my own.  Although I'm loving the way the textures look, I'm hoping it's not to gothic-looking for Babbage, at least in the short term.

The black rectangle on the ground is a template of my plot in Academy of Industry, so I wouldn't build too big.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Oooh, this is more Babbage-y...

I've decided that the building I was looking at by Elmer Fisher is just a bit too colorful for New Babbage.  I may keep working on it for Caledon or some other location, but I don't think I'll be comfortable with it as a New Babbage build.

This is what I'm looking at instead now:

It's a little bit on the gingerbread side, but the dark colors do a good job of countering that, I think.

Goodbye, Ribbons & Bows...

One of the first things I did when I came back in-world, after discovering the remains of my old ribbon, bow, and furnishings store, was to set it back up again on my mainland plot in Namhae.

Since then I've realized that everything I made and sold back then is terribly antiquated.  I have bows that use 11 prims when other residents are selling sculpted 1 prim bows.  It's just not going to work.

The other night I decided that my mainland property would serve in a much more useful capacity as my own private sandbox, so I packed up my store and put it away.  It was a lot of fun to be in business, but that time has passed.  I'm sure I will create more things, some of which I'll be very proud, and will eventually put a few things up for sale.  My primary interest in Second Life isn't to sell things though, so maybe it won't be anytime soon.  I'll just  see how it goes.

So here's to moving forward!  Huzzah!