Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sheik and Sari Ball

Tonight Ms. Bianca Namori held a Sheik and Sari ball in honor of her former home, Cala Mondrago.  I never had the good fortune to visit the sim when it was online, but I understand it had a desert steampunk theme.  I wish I had been able to see it!

The event was held in the sky over Caledon Kittiwickshire, strangely enough, so I knew I had to attend! (Also, I had just purchased a sari to wear to a different upcoming event, so I was happy to have a reason to wear it already.)

Me, trying out my belly dancing skillz:

Back in New Babbage, I didn't have much going on, so when Mr. Manamiko asked what I was up to, I was eager to go exploring again.  We started elsewhere on the grid taking a drive in his car, but sims started going down left and right in a griefing attack, so we made our way back to the (relative) safety of NB.  Neither of us had checked out the The Palaeozoic Museum and Library, so we spent some time seeing what there was to see there.  I was much more impressed than I thought I would be!

The museum library:

At some point we decided to see the Melnik Sky Tower (I believe that's what it's called).  We had some difficulty with the elevator initially, but after that it was only our attempts to increase our draw distance that resulted in problems.  I think Matthieu was able to get a snapshot of my house all the way over in Academy, but I crashed before I could even make an attempt.

The moon over the airship dock:

I just have to say that I'm having an incredible time being back in-world.  The level of creativity and ingenuity demonstrated by the builds never ceases to amaze me, both inside of New Babbage and elsewhere, and I really value the friendships I've made (and renewed).  And I'm starting my own New Babbage story on the Reader!  *happy bounce*

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