Wednesday, June 15, 2011

At my leisure

I did nothing productive last night.  Instead I went to the last part of a bonfire party at Sweetwater Square hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Melnik.  Although I was late I did have an opportunity to see the bonfire fall, which was great fun.  Mr. Blackberry Harvey was the DJ at this event and was kind enough to play a Leonard Nimoy encore.

Afterward I retired to my room at the Porthead Tavern where I tinkered with a piece of art I've been working on. Ultimately I didn't accomplish much.  I ended up going out to the bar and drinking with some other midnight burners. It's been quite enjoyable to just claim a barstool and pass the time in aimiable chat. The rental at the tavern is working out very well in that regard.  I like the idea of being able to work in my room for awhile and then just wander out to the bar for conversation.

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