Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More work on the Kittiwickshire house

Last night I decorated my new room at the Porthead Tavern in Port Babbage.  I was going for a 19th century Bohemian look, and this is what I came up with:

Tonight I opted to spend the evening in Caledon working on my build in Kittiwickshire.  I had decided already that the scale of the build I had started was all wrong, so I more or less started from scratch.  Using the door at the Porthead Tavern as a model for a good height relative to my av (everything has to be scaled bigger for avatars anyway because they're generally taller than humans, and the camera angle makes realistic scales impractical).    Then I sized a door in Kittiwickshire to roughly the same proportions and, silly as it sounds, I built the house around the door.

I'm using a picture of a small Victorian cottage as inspiration.

Here is how my newbie house is turning out.  I'm using stock textures and it's flashing all over the place, but I'm working it out.  The scale is better not only for my av, but also relative to the builds all around it.  I was aiming for a small structure in comparison to the others, so this is a bit closer to the mark.

It's not special, but it's exercising some muscles that haven't been used for awhile...

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